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Welcome To

 Simplify Summit

Simplify Summit organizing business logo.

Achieving organization, one step at a time.

MEET Caroline

Hi, I'm Caroline

 Hello.  I am Caroline, the founder of Simplify Summit and a highly motivated entrepreneur.  I am also a student at the Summit High School.  If you have clutter or a messy area of your home, I will work hard to make the space organized and simplified.  Please contact me to schedule an appointment/consultation or if you have any questions through my phone number (908 - 954 - 6517) or email (  If you would like to see some of my latest work please check out my instagram @ (simplifysummit21)!


Meet Lily

My Work (Befores & Afters)

Unorganized space before Simplify Summit.
For the before and after photos
Extremely organized space after the help of Simplify Summit.
Unorganized cabinet before Simplify Summit organization.
For the before and after photos
After the services of Simplify Summit the space is now clean and organized.
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